Thursday, 18 August 2011

First Printed Magazine All About Social Media

In an age when more publications are available online, some would assume that a need for printed publications would diminish. Social Media Monthly is the first, and to date, only printed magazine to publish articles on all things to do with social media. With only it's first edition it has generated both positive reviews as well as some critical scorn.

The magazine was launched by the technology group Cool Blue Company LLC, based in Washington DC, and focuses on all aspects of social media from the uses of different networks to viral marketing. The magazine is the brainchild of the group's founder Robert Fine, who formed Cool Blue Company whilst studying for his PhD at George Mason University. Fine has over 17 years experience in systems and sales engineering working for various prominent groups such as the Hughes Network Systems LLC, an international provider of satellite broadband internet. 

Social Media Monthly was launched in May 2011 at New York city's BlogWorld and New Media Expo.  Attendees at the event were given early editions of the magazine to read and offer feedback, which has largely proven to be very positive. Praise has been offered for the magazine's provision of  the latest news and in-depth insights on the word of social media with contributions from various leading proponents in the world of social media including Simon Mainwaring, Shelley Kramer, and Beverly Macy

Whilst some technology writers such as Heather Matheson of Technorati praise the magazine's ability to cast a discerning eye on all aspects of social media and giving it some much needed positive recognition, one or two sceptics have failed to see the relevance of a paper publication on a digital phenomena believing it to be best suited as an online platform. 
I am basically speechless that a venture capitalist funded this idea – I’d sooner fund a magazine devoted to dancing about architecture. But if you want to read about social media on the train instead of just doing social media on the train, go to Barnes & Noble and get a copy. -  Hank Campbell, Science 2.0 
It seems that despite such scathing rhetoric the magazine is already creating a growing demand, with founder Robert Fine reporting a 20% increase in retail orders since the first issue, and the second issue scheduled for release in October. For those wishing to judge for themselves, the magazine is available to buy in the US from Barnes and Noble, and newsagents internationally in countries including Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Canada (recently included for international distribution), and of course, the UK. It is also available to download as an app for both the iphone and ipad.

Source; Social Times
Image Credit; Social Media Monthly

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