The UK high street is in trouble! Retail business from small independent traders to major blue chip retail outlets and departments stores have closed their doors, some even declared insolvent. Changing shopping habits to online alternatives amplified by the recent Covid19 global pandemic has seen the high street's decline turning some city centres into veritable ghost towns. As we start to come out of the government restrictions made necessary by the pandemic UK high street shops are looking got help to rebuild and trade sustainably and the answer just might lie with crowdfunding. The 'Camden Future High Streets Crowdfund' initiative led by Camden London Borough Council in partnership with the crowdfunding platform Spacehive was launched to help fund projects aimed to revitalise Camden High Streets. The aim is to help projects meet their funding targets from a monetary pot of £360,000 set aside for worthy campaigns, and already two have been selected for this award. So can Crowdfunding save the retail high street?